
Saturday Mar 05, 2011
Hello!Podcast 3 - 2011.03.04 part 1
Saturday Mar 05, 2011
Saturday Mar 05, 2011
Back again! This time resop2 and strawberry nightmare analyze all of the h!p newz that fit to gossip about. Topics include but are not limited to: Morning Musume's 45th single Maji desu ka suka? - first impressions Kago Ai JAV rumors - who else from h!p might eventually do pr0n? Weird Maki Gotou rumors and kook theories The rise and fall of Kusumi Koharu The use of kayfabe in Hello!Project Sayumi vs Matsumoto Jun Script for a W pr0n flick Is Takahashi Ai a B-Girl? Should Tanaka Reina be pushed as a model? Berryz Kobo at Sakuracon - a scandal waiting to happen? Fans of Boy idols vs Fans of Girl idols - who is scarier? Wota vs Otaku - who is scarier? What do Wota really expect from their idols? Cosplay do's and don'ts Part 1

Monday Feb 21, 2011
Hello!Podcast 2 - 2011.02.18 part 2
Monday Feb 21, 2011
Monday Feb 21, 2011
It's the second hello!podcast and where the first was a cast of thousands, this time it was just resop2 and sada* so the show (gasp) stays on topic most of the time! Some of the topics covered are: * The Super Sentai Berryz * Ai-chan's hair * Makoto x Rika = wtf? * Aibon, Nono, Nachi: who is the real bad girl? * C-ute's new Album * Should Sayumi get a special unit? * How is Generation 9 of MM doing so far? (There were some technical glitches with the recording so at several place the topic seems to change in mid sentence, but for the most part things go smoothly)

Monday Feb 21, 2011
Hello!Podcast 2 - 2011.02.18 part 1
Monday Feb 21, 2011
Monday Feb 21, 2011
It's the second hello!podcast and where the first was a cast of thousands, this time it was just resop2 and sada* so the show (gasp) stays on topic most of the time! Some of the topics covered are: * The Super Sentai Berryz * Ai-chan's hair * Makoto x Rika = wtf? * Aibon, Nono, Nachi: who is the real bad girl? * C-ute's new Album * Should Sayumi get a special unit? * How is Generation 9 of MM doing so far? (There were some technical glitches with the recording so at several place the topic seems to change in mid sentence, but for the most part things go smoothly)

Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Hello!Podcast 1 - 2011.02.05 part 3
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Members of jpopmusic.com bulletin board system Morning Musume sub-forum discuss a variety of topics concerning the Hello!Project agency and their past and present singing idols. (bloopers and after party)

Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Hello!Podcast 1 - 2011.02.05 part 2
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Members of jpopmusic.com bulletin board system Morning Musume sub-forum discuss a variety of topics concerning the Hello!Project agency and their past and present singing idols. (part 2)

Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Hello!Podcast 1 - 2011.02.05 part 1
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
Members of jpopmusic.com bulletin board system Morning Musume sub-forum discuss a variety of topics concerning the Hello!Project agency and their past and present singing idols. (part 1)

Monday Oct 18, 2010
JPM-MM chat - Oct 16, 2010 part 3
Monday Oct 18, 2010
Monday Oct 18, 2010
This is an edited record of the audio chat held on October 16, 2010 feature several of the notorious personalities of the JPM-MM BBS. No punches are pulled as the dirt is dished and harsh opinions are aired. (Part 3)

Monday Oct 18, 2010
JPM-MM chat - Oct 16, 2010 part 2
Monday Oct 18, 2010
Monday Oct 18, 2010
This is an edited record of the audio chat held on October 16, 2010 feature several of the notorious personalities of the JPM-MM BBS. No punches are pulled as the dirt is dished and harsh opinions are aired. (Part 2)

Monday Oct 18, 2010
JPM-MM chat - Oct 16, 2010 part 1
Monday Oct 18, 2010
Monday Oct 18, 2010
This is an edited record of the audio chat held on October 16, 2010 feature several of the notorious personalities of the JPM-MM BBS. No punches are pulled as the dirt is dished and harsh opinions are aired. (Part 1)

Monday Jun 15, 2009
Chris and Craig, rolling from your parents basement episode 7
Monday Jun 15, 2009
Monday Jun 15, 2009
Chris and Craig, Rolling from your Parent's Basement episode 7
Closing theme: gay science in the eighties (is corny) by Chris
* It's the Craig is totally out it with a sinus infection show!
* American idol wrap up, including the infamous youtube video from last year.
* click here to see video
* So you think you can dance.
* Craig's stupid show suggestion "So you think you can shred"
* Nostalgia for the Concord
* The Air France plane crash
* States that we have been to.
* Geographic trivia! (Which two states have two parts, neither one an island, that are separated by a body of water bigger than a river?
* Time Warner canceling HDnet
* Ring of Honor live event
* Craig's favorite sweaty ass ECW memory
* Sweet and Sour and gone!
* Sara Del Rey: so ugly Craig would like her?
* ROH now vs ROH in the past
* Bit Torrent wars
* Lots of geek talk by Chris
* Craig's Anime pick: Butt Attack Girl Punisher Guataman OVA
Approximate show length: 84 Minutes