
Friday Mar 08, 2013
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 3 pt 2 2013-03-01
Friday Mar 08, 2013
Friday Mar 08, 2013
Party Podcast number 4 * Resop2 * Junki * Rokun * Chibs * Some commentary on the Satoyama movement concert that was going on concurrently on uStream. * Koharu scandalizes the idol world on a radio show * Gotou Maki comes up with a weird statistic that gives her some cred in a new demographic * There is a second installment in the Momochi cosplay pr0n series. Is it any good? * Is S/Mileage turning into a "boyfriend" group? * Mano graduates, scores huge new gig * The Juice is loose! * #1 single for MM * #1 MM single quiz * Reina's new band has a name * Bad news from Chisato * BK to tour somewhat scary country * Fantasy producer corner

Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 3 pt 2 2013-01-04
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
The Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 3 - HarunanQuest Resop Rndy Kawaii Beam Essy Part 3: * Burning hot h!p newz: ** An OG gets her driver's license. ** An OG gets a boyfriend. ** An OG gets engaged. ** An OG gets an acting job requiring her to smoke cigarettes. * Some off topic chit chat: ** A fan fic not likely to draw a large audience. ** Weird tattoo talk.

Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 3 pt 2 2013-01-04
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
The Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 3 - HarunanQuest Resop Rndy Kawaii Beam Essy Part 2: * Back home for rest, encounter Eripon who does nothing important. * Awesome cut scene! * We're buying stuff! * Going to a new town to find Kudo Haruka. * Get a new objective from Kudo. * Run off to fight a slime. Get killed! Awesome host fail! * Rndy might be doing a Youtube walk through soon, subscribe to: rndy fails at games

Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 3 pt 1 2013-01-04
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
Sunday Jan 06, 2013
The Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 3 - HarunanQuest Resop Rndy Kawaii Beam Essy Part 1 Fake Sponsorships: * The colors Honey and Chocolate Links to the game HarunaQuest First you must download the RPT for rpg vx ace to be able to run the game: http://download.tkool-online.com/rtp/vxace_rtp100.zip Then you download the game: http://www.sendspace.com/file/tdedod Or download the most recent version of the game (v1.15): http://www.sendspace.com/file/8sim64 * game over view * The fail host's attempt to go over the intro. * Haruna at her house - basics of game play. * Going to meet Tsunku. * The host failing to find a treasure chest. * The first battle.

Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 2 pt 3 2012-12-14
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
The Hello Helo!Project Podcast Party 2 resop Rndy DSQ H!P predictions for 2013: Part 3 * H!P group to be in an anime? * H!P to release a series of Photobooks featuring one particular member along with a series of her friends? * Will the popularity of another idol group cause H!P to change direction? * How will Reina's Band do? * A big sponsorship deal for some H!P group? * Some Captain Obvious predictions.

Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 2 pt 2 2012-12-14
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
The Hello Helo!Project Podcast Party 2 resop Rndy DSQ Hello Project predictions for 2013 Part 2 * H!P group to get a "reality" show. * Morning Musume will not be invited onto a show that they usually don't get invited onto. * H!P to get a variety show? * New group(s) in H!P? * H!P to collaborate with another talent agency? * How will sales be in 2013?

Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 2 pt 1 2012-12-14
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
Sunday Dec 16, 2012
The Hello Helo!Project Podcast Party 2 resop Rndy DSQ Part 1 * Fake sponsorship announcements H!P predictions for 2013: * Another audition for an H!P group? * More graduations for 2013? * A shocking announcement by two former or present H!P members? * TV work for members of an H!P group? * H!P group to retire in 2013? * H!P group to go in a radical new direction to spike sales?

Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 1 pt 3 2012-11-17
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 1: (warning, colorful language) Featuring: Resop Beka Roy Kawaii Beam Rokun Chibs Part 3 (after party) * Can Berryz Kobo be divided into Tart Berryz and Sweet Berryz? * The Stacy Musical * Haruka's First Photobook * The S/Mileage promotional video for Samui, ne?

Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 1 pt 2 2012-11-17
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 1: (warning, colorful language) Featuring: Resop Beka Roy Kawaii Beam Rokun Chibs Part 2: * Mano's new PV * Girls with wonky eyes in h!p * Nicknames for h!p members * Does h!p mistreat heavier members? * Is Sayumi graduating? * What bombshell announcement could Tsunku make during the first concert of 2013?

Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 1 pt 1 2012-11-17
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Hello Hello!Project Podcast Party 1: (warning, colorful language) Featuring: Resop Beka Roy Kawaii Beam Rokun Chibs Part 1: Hello Project Newz: * Troll!Time: Who is the best hello!project idol at trolling: ** Fukumura Mizuki? *** interactive picture: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcr22fEu711rk392no1_500.jpg ** Tsugunaga Momoko? *** interactive blog translation: http://blog-project.net/tsugunaga-momoko ** Michishige Sayumi? *** interactive picture: http://i.imgur.com/X4PXm.png * Porno!Time: ** Momochi makes it in show business to the point of having a cosplay porno made of her. Are there other characters in h!p's history who should have a cosplay porn homage? ** Gotou Maki porno rumor. Can we predict a possible title for a Gotou Maki porno? ** Running up that hill: Zenryoku Zaka has a new featured talent?